Thursday, May 1, 2014

Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Queen

Top+10+Things+You+Didn't+Know+About+the+QueenIf you are living in Britain, then leaders of your country will be called as a "Queen" and "King". They are the so called "Royal Blood" or "Dugong Bughaw" in Filipino language. A queen can maintain her position for very very long time. Before, only men are allowed to rule a country or whatever position in the society, but now women are more active when it comes to political positions. Women are also dedicated when it comes to any kinds of works, that is why they are suited to become queens, presidents, bosses, CEOs and obtain high-ranking positions when it comes to jobs. I couldn't say much about how a queen eats, drinks, sleeps and takes a bath but I am sure that she has so many bodyguards all around her. A queen can also do hard works, socialize and engage on the internet world. In 1997, the queen officially launched Buckingham Palace's first official website ( Now here are some of the things that you might didn't know about the queen.

TOP : 10
The Queen's dressmaker claims the Queen does not perspire. She also has someone break in her new shoes, so as not to blister the Royal feet.
Royal shoes

TOP : 9
The Queen's childhood nickname was Lilibet, as she could not pronounce Elizabeth. 
Lilibet is the childhood nickname of Princess Elizabeth

TOP : 8
The Queen created a new breed of dog. The dorgi is a mixture of corgi and dachshund.
Queen's dorgi is a mixture of corgi and dachshund

TOP : 7
The sturgeons, whales and dolphins in United Kingdom waters all technically belong to the Queen.
Sturgeons, whales and dolphins in United Kingdom waters all technically belong to the Queen.

TOP : 6
Her Majesty is the only person in Britain who is not required to have a passport.
The only person in Britain who is not required to have a passport

TOP : 5
The Queen sent her first email in 1976. She launched Buckingham Palace's first official website in 1997.
Buckingham Palace's first official website

TOP : 4
While on a six month tour in 1954, her Majesty became the first monarch to circumnavigate the globe.
First monarch to circumnavigate the globe

TOP : 3
There have been 12 US presidents, 12 UK prime ministers and 6 popes during her reign.
12 US Presidents + 12 UK Prime Ministers + 6 Popes = 1 Queen reign

TOP : 2
Apollo 11 astronauts received a message of congratulations from the Queen for the first moon landing. The message is buried on the moon.
Apollo 11 astronauts received a message of congratulations from the Queen

TOP : 1
During WWII the Princess Elizabeth joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service. She worked as a mechanic truck driver.
Princess Elizabeth as a mechanic truck driver

That's the top 10 things you might didn't know about the Queen.

Video source :
Data sources : Time Magazine, Tesco Magazine, The Daily Best, The Royal Website, Daily Mirror

Images sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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