Monday, May 26, 2014

TOP 10 Facts About DotA - Defense of the Ancients

TOP+10+Facts+About+DotA+-+Defense+of+the+AncientsI have created various articles regarding Defense of the Ancients or more popularly known as DotA. Most of the addict players spell it as "Dota", sometimes DOTA, but the correct way to write it is with a capital "D" which stands for "Defense", small letter "o" for "of", also small letter "t" for "the", and another capital "A" for "Ancients". The game is owned by Blizzard Entertainment under Frozen Throne. Many, young and old play DotA because of the main reason that it is a Team Game, yes! it can also be played by just 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2, but it is more fun and exciting when you play the game 5 vs 5 or 6 vs 6 as the maximum. Most of the DotA players are close friends, here in the Philippines they are called "barkada" or "tropa". Some players made DotA the main source of their income by betting some money while playing with other DotA players (of course, you need to win the game to be able to earn money), while others just play the game for fun and leisure. Another good thing about DotA is that, there are a lot of "Heroes" you can choose to play. And how powerful a hero defends on how good and experienced the player who controls it. Now for this top ten lists, I gathered some of the facts about DotA. The facts are under the history of DotA, main people who contributed to make DotA known worldwide and more. Have sometime and know more about your game players, here are the facts.

TOP : 10
DotA Fact : The first version of DotA was released in 2003 by Eul.

Eul - DotA 2

TOP : 9
DotA Fact : Steve Feak created the most dominant map version of DotA - the DotA AllStars. He has the nickname "Guinsoo".

Steve "Guinsoo" Feak - DotA AllStars

TOP : 8
DotA Fact : DotA AllStars' first official community website is launched on October 14, 2004 and shutdown on July 22, 2010.

Former community website of DotA before Playdota

TOP : 7
DotA Fact : Icefrog developed DotA's latest map versions and owns the website

IceFrog of DotA

TOP : 6
DotA Fact : DotA II was released on July 9, 2013.

Oldest DotA maps

TOP : 5
DotA Fact : DotA was inspired by the game called Starcraft.

Screenshot of Starcraft game play

TOP : 4
DotA Fact : Before, DotA was called EX Series. It is also called DotA DX Series, DotA Unforgiven and DotA Outland.

Former DotA names

TOP : 3
DotA Fact : The first DotA discussion forum was called 9nid.

9nid - first ever DotA discussion forum

TOP : 2
DotA Fact : Heintje Chinese 6.12 is the first 6.xx Chinese DotA version created.

Tianyijue Chinese Dota Screenshots

TOP : 1
DotA Fact : DotA is one of the most popular maps on

One of the most popular map in

Data Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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