Monday, May 26, 2014

Top 10 Shocking Facts About FACEBOOK

Top+10+Shocking+Facts+About+FACEBOOKFacebook is one of the most popular website in the world and it is the most popular in the category of all the social networking sites. It is even more popular and most visited compared to Google and Youtube. But as of May 26, 2014 (6:17 PM Asia Pacific Time +8), Facebook(2nd) is next to Google(1st) in Alexa's Top 500 Global Sites. Facebook is a site that will allow you to fully use its free services if you are only a registered user. Using Facebook, you can chat with your friends, share photos, like anything and comment anything you wanted. You can even play many free games using your Facebook account. Now for this top ten list, I gathered and collected some 10 facts regarding Facebook that you may already knew but I am sure there are more things about Facebook that you may wanted to know. Here they are guys.

TOP : 10
Facebook Fact : As of March 2014, there are about 1.28 billion monthly active users of Facebook.

Facebook user growth

TOP : 9
Facebook Fact : The name Facebook came from a colloquialism for the directory given to the students of some American universities.

Facebook colloquialism

TOP : 8
Facebook Fact : Approximately 9% of Facebook users were fake.

Fake Facebook users

TOP : 7
Facebook Fact : On February 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched

the-facebookdotcom - launched 2004

TOP : 6
Facebook Fact : Facebook means "a directory with photos and basic information".

Facebook meaning

TOP : 5
Facebook Fact : The domain name was purchased for a whopping $200,000.

Facebook domain worth

TOP : 4
Facebook Fact : Microsoft purchased 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million on October 24, 2007.


TOP : 3
Facebook Fact : In November 2010, Facebook slightly surpassed Ebay's to become the 3rd largest American web company after Google and Amazon.

Largest American web companies

TOP : 2
Facebook Fact : Facebook reached 1 trillion page views in the month of June 2011.

Trillion Facebook page views

TOP : 1
Facebook Fact : Mark Zuckerberg only owns 28% of Facebook as of year 2012.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

Data Source :

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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