Sunday, May 11, 2014

Top 10 Funny and Disgusting Named Products in the World

Top+10+Funny+and+Disgusting+Named+Products+in+the+WorldWhen it comes to selling a product into the market, a catchy name is a plus factor. Product name that is easy to understand and very common to people will make your product to produce more sell and more profit. I think that is the main reason why some product manufacturers are making the name of their products funny, as funny things are always catchy in the eyes of many. For this top ten I listed some of the funny named products that are found in different points of the globe.

TOP : 10
Product Name : Placenta
What : Hair Product
Place : United States

Placenta hair product
Placenta is an organ that links the growing fetus to the uterine wall to enable nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply. Source :

TOP : 9
Product Name : Grey Poupon
What : Mustard
Place : United States

Grey Poupon mustard product
Grey Poupon mustard product : The word "poupon" sounds funny, it can have the root word "poup" and it sounds like a poop or feces. You will then end up with a gray poop mustard product.

TOP : 8
Product Name : Pocari Sweat
What : Soft Drink
Place : Japan

Pocari Sweat soft drink
Pocari Sweat soft drink : You can assume that Pocari is man or woman, you are now drinking Pocari's sweat. What a nice soft drink!

TOP : 7
Product Name : Cream Collon
What : Cake
Place : Japan

Cream Collon cake
Cream Collon cake : The word collon sounds like "colon". Its like eating a cake made up of colon or the large intestine.

TOP : 6
Product Name : Crack Creme
What : Skin Cream
Place : United States

Crack Creme skin cream
Crack Creme skin cream : Crack cocaine is the freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked. It's like applying cocaine cream into your skin.

TOP : 5
Product Name : Vergina
What : Beer
Place : Greece

Vergina beer
Vergina beer : The word "vergina" sounds like a virgin or vagina. Just do the next sentence yourself. Hahaha.

TOP : 4
Product Name : Cock Soup
What : Soup Mix
Place : Jamaica

Cock Soup mix
Cock soup soup mix : The word cock can be roster and the male sex organ. Just use your common sense to get the meaning of the product name, LOL!

TOP : 3
Product Name : Barf
What : Detergent
Place : Kyrgyztan

Barf detergent product
Barf detergent : It's like a detergent made up of burp.

TOP : 2
Product Name : Golden Gaytime
What : Ice Cream
Place : Australia

Golden Gaytime ice cream
Golden Gaytime ice cream : Its like having time and eating ice cream with gays.

TOP : 1
Product Name : Shitto
What : Pepper Sauce
Place : Ghana

Shitto pepper sauce
Shitto pepper sauce : Shitto can have the root word "sh*t" , therefore you now have a pepper sauce sh*t. LOL!

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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