Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Top 8 FHM Cover Girls 2014 Philippines (January to August)

Top+8+FHM+Cover+Girls+2014For this post we also collected the 8 girls who posed as the cover for the FHM magazines in the Philippines. They are only 8 because each cover girl represents the month of the year. The months included are only from January to August 2014 which are only 8 months.

The cover girls included for this list are Aiko Climaco, Phoemela Baranda, Marian Rivera, Ashley Rivera, Chloe Dauden, Erika Padilla, Rochelle Pangilina, and Beauty Gonzalez. Now have some time to read and check out the 8 listed hot and beautiful cover girls below. Here are your top 8 FHM cover girls 2014 Philippines from January to August 2014.

Related article :

TOP : 8
Model : Aiko Climaco
Month : January

Aiko Climaco

TOP : 7
Model : Phoemela Baranda
Month : February

Phoemela Baranda

TOP : 6
Model : Marian Rivera
Month : March

Marian Rivera

TOP : 5
Model : Ashley Rivera
Month : April

Ashley Rivera

TOP : 4
Model : Chloe Dauden
Month : May

Chloe Dauden

TOP : 3
Model : Erika Padilla
Month : June

Erika Padilla

TOP : 2
Model : Rochelle Pangilinan
Month : July

Rochelle Pangilinan

TOP : 1
Model : Beauty Gonzalez
Month : August

Beauty Gonzalez

Data Source :
  • www.fhm.com.ph
Photo Source :
  • www.fhm.com.ph
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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