Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Top 10 20th Century Battles that Changed the History of the World

Top+10+20th+Century+Battles+that+Changed+the+History+of+the+WorldFor this post we have the top 10 battle list for the 20th century. The highest on the list is the Battle of the Stalingrad. This battle is the fought between the Nazi Germany and it allies against the Soviet Union for who will control the Stalingrad city. In this battle, the German 6th army was destroyed and the Axis forces began to decline on the Eastern front. The "Battle of Stalingrad" is considered to the turning point of World War II (WWII). Now, here is the complete list of the top 20th century battles that changed history of the past and the present.

TOP : 10
Battle : Battle of Inchon
Year : September 1950
Place : South Korea

Battle of Inchon

TOP : 9
Battle : Siege of Sarajevo
Year : April 1992 - February 1996
Place : Bosnia and Herzegovina

Siege of Sarajevo

TOP : 8
Battle : 1967 6-Day War
Year : June 1967
Place : Middle East

1967 6-Day War

TOP : 7
Battle : Battle of Dien Bien Phu
Year : March - May 1954
Place : Vietnam

Battle of Dien Bien Phu

TOP : 6
Battle : Invasion of Iraq
Year : March - May 2003
Place : Iraq

Invasion of Iraq

TOP : 5
Battle : Battle of Midway
Year : June 1942
Place : North Pacific

Battle of Midway

TOP : 4
Battle : Battle of Britain
Year : July - October 1940
Place : United Kingdom

Battle of Britain

TOP : 3
Battle : Fall of Saigon
Year : April 1975
Place : Vietnam


TOP : 2
Battle : Battle of the Somme
Year : July - November 1916
Place : France

Battle of the Somme

TOP : 1
Battle : Battle of Stalingrad
Year : July 1942 - February 1943
Place : Russia

Battle of Stalingrad

That's the top 10 twentieth century battles that shaped the history of our world. Leave your comments on below if you have some.

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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