Thursday, May 8, 2014

Top 10 Incredible Facts About the Porn Industry

Top+10+Incredible+Facts+About+the+Porn+IndustryFor this post we are showcasing some of the top 10 amazing facts about one of the most popular industry on the internet world - the "Porn Industry".

TOP : 10
Porn Fact : The most expensive porn film ever made is 2005's "Pirates". It had a budget of over $1 million.
Source : Wired, The Daily Beast

TOP : 9
Porn Fact : Between 25% and 33% of the people who watch internet pornography are women, but only 2% paying porn site subscribers are female.
Source : CNN, Business Insider, Jezebel, Wall Street Journal

TOP : 8
Porn Fact : In the United States, a new porn video is produced every 39 minutes. 
Source : CNBC

TOP : 7
Porn Fact : Professional porn actors and actresses are 80% likely to have an STD than members of the public of the same age.
Source : AIM Medical

TOP : 6
Porn Fact : Approximately, 12% of all websites are related to pornography. 
Source : Good Magazine

TOP : 5
Porn Fact : Female performers often earn between $600 to $1,000 for a scene. Men are usually paid less than $150.
Source : Guardian

TOP : 4
Porn Fact : Porn makes up 30% of all the data transferred across the internet. At peak times the most popular porn sites transfer 100 gigabytes per second each.
Source : Extreme Tech

TOP : 3
Porn Fact : Producing and distributing porn can be punishable by death in North Korea and Iran.
Source : Guardian, Chosun Ilbo

TOP : 2
Porn Fact : 20% of men admit to accessing pornography while at work.
Source : Fawcett Society, BCW, Business Insider

TOP : 1
Porn Fact : Every Second an estimated 30,000 people are watching internet porn.
Source : Business Insider, Huffington Post

That's the top 10 incredible facts about the porn industry. Leave your comments below if you have something to say.

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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