Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Top 10 Amazing Facts About YOUTUBE

Top+10+Amazing+Facts+About+YOUTUBEIf you wanted to watch free movies, drama series, anime and cartoons, sports and games, personal videos, popular and non-popular singers, magic shows, and anything that can be watch under the sun, then the answer is very simple - just go online and visit Youtube.com. Youtube is one of the most popular and most visited website on the internet today. Its like a collection of millions or even billions of videos that are easy to access as long as you have a fast internet connection. Using Youtube, you can watch any video all for free. You can even upload videos of your own, or create a video promoting your product or the product of your company. Because of Youtube many webmasters can now embed videos on their own websites, Youtube hosts the videos while you just put the javascript code of the video on your own website and your visitors can watch a Youtube video right on your own website. Youtube videos are also the main source of income for some Youtube Video Publishers. This feature was enabled since the day Google purchased Youtube in November 2006. Monetizing your Youtube video is very easy as long as it do not violates any Youtube policies, thus, copyrights,etc.. Now for this top ten post I gathered some of the facts regarding Youtube, its history, people behind it and more.

TOP : 10
Youtube Fact : Youtube was launched and founded on February 14, 2005.

Youtube logo

TOP : 9
Youtube Fact : Youtube is available in 61 different languages versions.

Youtube language versions

TOP : 8
Youtube Fact : As of April 2014, it is Alexa's 3rd most popular and most visited website on the internet.

Alexa's Top 5 websites

TOP : 7
Youtube Fact : Youtube was created by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. The three are all former Paypal employees.

Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim - Youtube founders

TOP : 6
Youtube Fact : In November 2006, Google bought Youtube for a value of $1.65 billion US dollars.

Google and Youtube

TOP : 5
Youtube Fact : Youtube was a video version of an online dating service, and influenced by "Hot or Not" website.

Hot or Not website preview

TOP : 4
Youtube Fact : The first Youtube video was entitled "Me at the Zoo", uploaded on April 23, 2005.
First Youtube video entitled "Me at the Zoo"

TOP : 3
Youtube Fact : In May 2010, Youtube received more than 14 billion views of videos.

Youtube video views

TOP : 2
Youtube Fact : Youtube says that 100 hours of new videos are uploaded to the site every minute.

Uploaded Youtube videos

TOP : 1
Youtube Fact : In November 2006, Universal Tube and Rollform Equipment filed a a lawsuit against Youtube after being regularly overloaded by people looking for Youtube. The company's website www.utube.com was then later changed to www.utubeonline.com to avoid future visit mistakes.

Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp website

  • There are two main ads you can find while watching a Youtube video, the main ad is located on the right side of the video while the other one is the advertisement that pops out while you are watching the video. Sometimes, there is already an ads playing before you can load the video itself.
  • If you really have a terrible internet connection, you can adjust the Youtube video Settings (Gear icon located below the video). Lowering it to 144 will make the video to buffer and play more faster but in a lower quality video.
Data Sources
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • www.alexa.com
  • www.youtube.com
Photo Sources :
  • www.bgr.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.palscience.com
  • www.cirtblog.wordpress.com
  • www.hotornot.com
  • www.youtube.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.youtube.com
  • www.utubeonline.com
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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