Sunday, May 4, 2014

Top 10 Greatest Feasts from History

Top+10+Greatest+Feasts+from+HistoryThe first thing that comes into our mind when we heard the word "feast" is of course "food", not just one meal but more than what you can imagine, not just, just food but there are also special programs, fireworks, music and general speeches. Unlike the other known feasts in the history, the "Last Supper" is different because this feast is Holy and was made by our Lord Jesus Christ as symbolism for the bread as His body and the wine as His blood. And this is the only famous feast I knew that is very simple, because most of the feasts included for this top ten list includes many foods and was made by kings and other known people. As of now we are still doing this to remind us what Jesus have for all of us. On the other hand, when it comes to big feasts money is always the key in order to produce all the needed menus of foods. Some feast today are made in the memory of many gods, and saints specially Catholic, Buddhism and other religions. Well I have no comment for that, because I am only believing in a God which is alive and not a god made of stones, woods or metals. Now here are the top 10 list of the greatest feasts from history.

TOP : 10
Feast : The Siege of Paris
Where : France
Year : 1870 and 1871
About : Surrounded by Prussians, Parisian elites started eating zoo animals. On the menu : roast camel, sirloin of bear, haunch of wolf and elephant.
The Siege of Paris

TOP : 9
Feast : America's First Thanksgiving
Where : English Colony
Year : 1621
About : No historic record exists of the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indian's menu. It wouldn't have featured pies or cakes - the Pilgrims had run out of sugar.
America's First Thanksgiving

TOP : 8
Feast : C.K.G Billings Equestrian Club Dinner
Where : United States of America
Year : 1903
About : A ballroom dinner where 32 guests ate while sat on their horses. Decorated troughs were presented to the horses so they could also chow down.
C.K.G Billings Equestrian Club Dinner

TOP : 7
Feast : The Last Supper
Where : Jerusalem
Year : circa AD 33
About : There is debate surrounding the claim that Jesus' final meal was a Passover Seder. Save for the bread and wine, details of the meal are hardly known.
The Last Supper

TOP : 6
Feast : Feast of the Pheasant
Where : Burgundy
Year : 1454
About : Entertainment included a small boy singing a duet with a deer. There was also a giant containing 28 playing musicians.
Feast of the Pheasant

TOP : 5
Feast : Nicolas Fouquet Chateau Party
Where : France
Year : 1661
About : This banquet was so lavish that King Louis XIV had Fouquet imprisoned for life. Guests enjoyed massive edible monuments, a Moliere play and fireworks.
Nicolas Fouquet Chateau Party

TOP : 4
Feast : The Regent's Banquet
Where : United Kingdom
Year : 1817
About : the future George IV of the United Kingdom hosted a dinner that had 127 dishes. the highlight was 4 feet high Turkish mosque made out of marzipan.
The Regent's Banquet

TOP : 3
Feast : The Feast for the French Ambassador
Where : Persia
Year : 1672
About : Guests were given basins of rice and meat - some containing entire lambs. Each dish weighed 80 lbs and guests needed help from servants to move them.
The Feast for the French Ambassador

TOP : 2
Feast : The Medici Wedding
Where : Florence
Year : 1600
About : A 50 course meal to celebrate the marriage pf King Henry IV of France. Guests had songbirds hidden in their napkins, which flew out when unfolded.
The Medici Wedding

TOP : 1
Feast : The Enthronement of George Neville, Archbishop of York.
Where : England
Year : 1465
About : This 3 days meal consisted pf 6 wild bulls, 12 porpoises and seals, 204 goats, 400 peacocks, 1,000 herons, 2,000 hot custards and 13,000 kinds of sweet meats.
The Enthronement of George Neville, Archbishop of York.

That's the top 10 greatest feasts from history. I also wanna eat what they are eating, just kidding. Leave your comments below guys if you wanna say something.


Data Sources :
  • Forbes
  • The Independent - UK
  • Channel 4 - UK
  • Time Magazine
  • Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Fifteenth Century Studies V.28
  • Food Culture in France By Abramson
Images Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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