Monday, May 5, 2014

Top 10 Inspiring People in the World

Top+10+Inspiring+People+of+in+the+WorldInspiring people are very important during our time. Today, violence is too much for anybody in this world that we are living. Still, some people of our time and even the past time are patient enough not to give up their visions and ambitions of pursuing a life on Earth that is peaceful and each and every people are just and equal when it comes to their rights in accordance with the law. These people have their own professions and they used their professions and fame to promote peace, unity, anti-racism, and other movements in order to benefit people not only on their country but people of the world. Knowing that being against the evil path will cost them their lives, they are not afraid to do so what is right. For this top ten, the top 2 and 1 are both assassinated, they are both prominent people and also activists from India and the United States. Now here are some of the top 10 inspiring people in the world, all of them are dead already except for Muhammad Ali.

TOP : 10
Who : Muhammad Ali
Born : January 17, 1942
Profession : Boxer, Philanthropist, Social Activist
About Him : One of the greatest boxers of all time and an important figure in the US civil rights movement.
Muhammad Ali

TOP : 9
Who : Bob Marley
Born : February 6, 1945
Died : May 11, 1981
Profession : Singer and songwriter
About Him : Marley's music spread a message of peace and unity, whilst challenging colonialism and racism.
Bob Marley

TOP : 8
Who : Mother Teresa
Born : August 26, 1910
Died : September 5, 1997
Profession : Nun, charity worker, saint
About Her : Founded the "Missionaries of Charity" to care for those people nobody wanted to look after. It helps people in more than 100 countries.
Mother Teresa

TOP : 7
Who : Rosa Parks
Born : February 4, 1913
Died : October 24, 2005
Profession : Civil rights activist
About Her : Her refusal to give up her bus seat in 1955 sparked the 382-day Montgomery Bus Boycott. This ultimately led to changes in segregationist law.
Rosa Parks

TOP : 6
Who : Che Guevara
Born : June 14, 1928
Died : October 9, 1967
Profession : Marxist Revolutionary, author, military leader.
About Him : An important figure in the Cuban revolution. Following his death he became a symbol for revolution and rebellion.
Che Guevara

TOP : 5
Who : Nelson Mandela
Born : July 18, 1918
Died : December 5, 2013
Profession : Anti-apartheid activist, politician
About Him : Fought against South Africa's apartheid regime and was jailed for 27 years. He became the country's first black president.
Nelson Mandela

TOP : 4
Who : Emmeline Pankhurst
Born : July 15, 1858
Died : June 14, 1928
Profession : Women's rights activist
About Her : British suffragette whose militant tactics helped secure equal voting rights for women.
Emmeline Pankhurst

TOP : 3
Who : Winston Churchill
Born : November 30, 1874
Died : January 24, 1965
Profession : Journalist, author, prime minister
About Him : His stirring speeches rallied Britain to victory during World War II.
Winston Churchill

TOP : 2
Who : Mohandas Gandhi
Born : October 2, 1869
Died : January 30, 1948 (assassinated)
Profession : Indian nationalist leader, anti-war activist
About Him : Used absolute non-violence and civil disobedience to push India towards independence.
Mohandas Gandhi

TOP : 1
Who : Martin Luther King
Born : January 15, 1929
Died : April 4, 1968 (assassinated)
Profession : Minister, civil rights activist
About Him : Head of the US civil rights movement and proponent of non-violent protest. His leadership was critical in ending legal segregation.
Martin Luther King

That's the top 10 inspiring people of the 20th century. Leave your comments using the comment form below.

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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