Friday, May 9, 2014

Top 10 Ways to Offend People in other Countries

There are many ways to offend someone you know. But there are unusual ways to offend other people without even knowing you already offended them. Your usual movements, lifestyle and everyday life can be just normal to your fellow countrymen, but in other countries, you might be doing actions that can offend them even though it is just a normal gesture, words and other things. For this top ten, the top 1 is the beckoning fingers here in the Philippines. It is definitely the truth, because doing such thing will really cause you trouble and it is very unprofessional and unethical to give a "dirty finger" to your fellowmen without any valid and good reason at all. Now here are the top ten list of the ways to offend people in other countries. Maybe this one will help you get away in troubles in the future if ever you decided to go to other parts of the world.

TOP : 10
A thumbs up isn't always friendly. In Iran and parts of the Middle East it means "up yours".
Thumbs ups

TOP : 9
When someone in Japan gives you their business card, handle it with care. Putting it in your pocket would cause great offense.
Handling business card in Japan

TOP : 8
Making a compliment like "I love your couch" in Arab and African nations can make your host feel awkwardly obliged to give you the item.
"I love your couch"

TOP : 7
When drinking in Japan, it is impolite to fill your own glass. You should fill the glass of the other person beside you.
Drinking sake in Japan

TOP : 6
In Muslim countries and India it is very rude to use your left hand to eat. The left hand is reserved for the bathroom duty.
Eating left handed

TOP : 5
Going to a dinner party in Argentina? Make sure to be about an hour late, as it's a sign of greed to be punctual.
Late at night dinner party

TOP : 4
Slurping your soup is considered impolite on Western cultures. In Japan it's good manners and shows you're enjoying your food.
Kid slurping her soup

TOP : 3
Simply smile to insult someone in Korea. Smiling at a stranger is an indication that you think they're stupid.
Smiling people

TOP : 2
The "okay sign" is very rude in Brazil and Turkey. It signifies a similar shaped part of the human anatomy.
OK sign using your hand (some says also sign of the 666)

TOP : 1
Don't beckon someone with your finger in the Philippines. It's considered fit for dogs and is punishable by arrest.
Sample beckoning sign using hands

That's the top 10 surprising ways to offend people in other countries. Leave your comments below if you have some.

Video Source :

Data Sources :
  • The Mate
  • Daily Mirror - UK
  • Lonely Planet
  • Washington Post
Images Sources
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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