Monday, May 26, 2014

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Cats

Top+10+Amazing+Facts+About+CatsCats are next to dogs when it comes to popularity regarding the domesticated animals today. And as I read in Wikipedia, cats are the most popular of all the pets in the world. Being a hunter, is natural in each cats, and unlike dogs, cats, according to some experts even though they are already living inside our houses, they still tend to maintain much of their so called "wild attitude". On the other hand they are helping us to terminate mice and rats inside our houses. And also some cats can help some people earn money by training them and using them to perform in some non-popular or popular shows in and out the television. All cats, big and small are cute, but the bigger one's are much dangerous to play with like the cheetahs, lions and leopards. But some amazing people can tame these big cats and live with them like they are just normal small cats. One time, I watch a video in Youtube regarding a man that can play with a pride of lions like they are brothers and sisters. These man has all the mentality and techniques to be able to adapt with the lions' world and make them his family. Now for this top ten list, I gathered some of the facts about our little cats living inside our houses. Be amazed about your cute little cats.

TOP : 10
Cats Fact : Cats can see in near darkness but have poor color.

Cats can see in the dark.

TOP : 9
Cats Fact : Instances of early cat domestication dated back as early as Neolithic, around 7500 BC.

Evidence of early cat domestication.

TOP : 8
Cats Fact : Cats are the most popular pets in the world.

The amazing "Rock Cats"

TOP : 7
Cats Fact : "Creme Puff" was the oldest known cat ever lived and died at the age of 38.

Creme Puff - the oldest cat ever lived

TOP : 6
Cats Fact :Study shows that cats can establish wide range of territories ranging from 7 to 28 hectares.

Cat protecting his territory against other cat

TOP : 5
Cats Fact : Cats always hunt alone.

A cat preparing to hunt

TOP : 4
Cats Fact : Cats and dogs can live together if correctly socialized.

Dog and cat living well and close together

TOP : 3
Cats Fact : Some cats can sleep as much as 20 hours a day.

Sleeping cute little cat

TOP : 2
Cats Fact : Cats are extremely adaptable. All continents except Antarctica have cats.

Cat on snow

TOP : 1
Cats Fact : Cats have no ability to taste "sweetness".

Cat eating

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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