Friday, May 9, 2014

Top 10 Surprising Facts About Google

Top+10+Surprising+Facts+About+GoogleGoogle in my own personal opinion is the most useful website ever. Their powerful search engine has it all and if you have questions, Google can answer you with just a click of your mouse. Google homepage is very user friendly too because it supports 80+ languages, wherein you can really search easily anything using your own local language. With the use of Google Adsense, personally, I am earning money online since year 2011. Google also has so many other website like the Google Drive, wherein you can save and upload files and documents online. They also have the GMail, a very simple email that loads faster compared to Yahoo Mail. Google also has URL shortener website, the Some of Google's partners are Youtube, Blogger and Weebly when it comes to Videos and Contents Publishers. Google also has the Google Webmasters Tools and Google Analytics,  very power tools use to monitor internal stats of your website or blog. If you wanna advertise with them, you can use Google Adwords, there are so many advertisers that became millionaire or even billionaire only by just advertising on Google. If you do not have Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office installed in your local hard drive, then you can use Google Docs. If you wanted to know the latest trends in the world then use Google Trends. And if you are really terrible in English, you can use Google Translate to help you a little to know meaning of the words or phrase you are searching. There are a lot more Google useful websites available but that's it for now. Today we are showcasing some of the surprising facts about Google.

TOP : 10
Google Fact : Google estimates that an ad on its homepage would cost $10 million. The space isn't for space isn't for sale.

Google : An ad cost $10 million on its homepage

TOP : 9
Google Fact : The name Google is actually a misspelling of the word googol - a mathematical term meaning a 1 followed by 100 zeros.

Google is a misspelled word for the word Googol

TOP : 8
Google Fact : Google "doodles" started with a stick man placed behind the logo. It let users know the founders had gone to the Burning Man festival.

The Google Doodles

TOP : 7
Google Fact : Google doesn't use lawn mowers to cut its grass. In 2009 they rented goats to chow down on the grass at their HQ.

Google uses goats to cut down grass at their hq

TOP : 6
Google Fact : The Google homepage is available in over 80 languages. In case of alien invasion, one of them is Star Trek's Klingon.

Google homepage supported languages

TOP : 5
Google Fact : Google has its own dinosaur called Stan. The T-Rex skeleton lives at their California HQ.

Google's T-REX "Stan"

TOP : 4
Google Fact : Yahoo turned down the chance to buy Google for $1 million in 1997. Today it is worth $200 billion, Yahoo just $20 billion.

Google worth $200 billion, Yahoo - $20 billion

TOP : 3
Google Fact : Google's first tweet was "I'm 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010". It means "I'm feeling lucky" in binary.

Google's first tweet

TOP : 2
Google Fact : The "I'm Feeling Lucky" button costs Google over $100 million a year in lost ad revenue. It remains as studies show it comforts users.

Google's 'I'm feeling lucky' button

TOP : 1
Google Fact : Google has more than 1 million servers - 2% of the world's total. It receives over 1 billion search requests everyday.

Google servers

That's the top 10 surprizing facts you have to know about Google. Leave your comments on the comment form below if you have some.

Video Source :

Data Sources :
  • Marketplace
  • Twitter
  • Time Magazine
  • Forbes
  • CNN
  • Bloomberg
  • Tech Crunch
  • Gizmodo
Images Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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