Friday, May 2, 2014

Top 10 Lost Civilizations of the Ancient World

Top+10+Lost+Civilizations+of+the+Ancient+WorldA civilization is consists of system of writing, and city which is mainly differ to other types of communities such as hunters, nomads and tribes. In my own point of view the first thing that comes into my mind about the word "civilization" is the way of life of people within an ancient group wherein they have distinguished and progressive ways of living. Even though they are not living in the computer or atomic era, they have their own advanced technology and advanced way of thinking. Past civilizations absolutely influenced the way of life that we are living today. It doesn't matter which civilization in the past your country has. The Ancient Egypt is the best standard example of an ancient civilization. This civilization is famous for its architectural finest, thus, the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. But they created these wonders using slavery as stated in the Bible. Now for this top 10 list, we are showcasing some of the lost civilization of the ancient world.

TOP : 10
Civilization : Submerged Cuban City
About : Just off the coast of Cuba, a whole Pre-Colombian city appears to have sunk beneath the waves.
Source : National Geographic

Submerged Cuban City

TOP : 9
Civilization : Minoan Civilization
About : Europe's first advanced civilization worshipped bulls and gave us the minotaur.
Source : The Modern Antiquarian.
Minoan Civilization

TOP : 8
Civilization : The Mayans
About : Their Central American society is thought to have collapsed because of ecological disaster.
Source : University of Florida
The Mayans

TOP : 7
Civilization : The Phoenicians
About : The Phoenician alphabet is thought to be the ancestor of all modern alphabets.
Source : Phoenicians, Glenn Markoe
The Phoenicians

TOP : 6
Civilization : The Inca
About : The largest empire in Pre-Colombian South America - and all without having invented the wheel.
Source : Civilizations in America
The Incas

TOP : 5
Civilization : Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Africa
About : The center of a thriving culture that had trade links with China and Persia.
Source : New York Times

TOP : 4
Civilization : Nazca Culture
About : The Nazca constructed huge figures and patterns in the Peruvian desert, visible only from the air.
Source : Antiquity
Nazca Culture

TOP : 3
Civilization : The Aztecs
About : At the time of the Spanish conquest, the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan was one of the largest in the world.
Source : Bernal Diaz
The Aztecs

TOP : 2
Civilization : Ancient Egypt
About : Responsible for the Pyramids and the Sphinx amongst many other wonders.
Source : Archaeology
Ancient Egypt

TOP : 1
Civilization : The Roman Empire
About : Its' influence can be seen in the architecture and institutions of all Western democracies.
Source : Gibbon
The Roman Empire

That's the top 10 lost civilizations of the ancient world. Truly, these civilizations are beautiful, and marked their existence on this planet. Thanks to our dedicated archaeologists who are continuously searching and digging the Earth to find wonders from the past.

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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