Friday, May 9, 2014

Top 10 Oddly Insured Body Parts

Top+10+Oddly+Insured+Body+PartsYou have to be the best and the famous in order to insure any of your body parts for big amount of money. For this post we listed people who are known to have insured part(s) of their body where they are known, or their body asset. Each and everyone of us has its own body asset. A person can be distinguished from others because he or she has a rare color of eyes, sexy butt, weird tongue shape and lots of more oddly body parts. Some known people like the athletes are insured for their legs like football players specially if you are the star player or the most payed and the best player of the team. Now here are your top 10 oddly insured body parts of famous athletes, singers and celebrities.

"In the event of accident, emergency or loss, the following person(s) seek insurance for their specific body parts listed below;"

TOP : 10
Name : Cristiano Ronaldo
Profession : Football Player
Body Part(s) : Legs
Amount Insured for : $144 million

Cristiano Ronaldo photo

TOP : 9
Name : Dolly Parton
Profession : Musician
Body Part(s) : Breasts (pair)
Amount Insured for : $600,000

Dolly Parton photo

TOP : 8
Name : Egon Ronay
Profession : Food Critic
Body Part(s) : Taste Buds
Amount Insured for : $400,000

Egon Ronay photo

TOP : 7
Name : Gene Simmons
Profession : Musician (Kiss)
Body Part(s) : Tongue
Amount Insured for : $1 million

Gene Simmons photo

TOP : 6
Name : Tom Jones
Profession : Musician
Body Part(s) : Chest Hair
Amount Insured for : $7 million

Tom Jones photo

TOP : 5
Name : Ben Turpin
Profession : Silent Actor
Body Part(s) : Crossed-Eyes (in case they returned to normal)
Amount Insured for : between $25,000 and $100,000

Ben Turpin photo

TOP : 4
Name : Keith Richards
Profession : Musician (Rolling Stones)
Body Part(s) : Hands (or just the middle finger on his left hand according to some sources)
Amount Insured for : $1.6 million

Keith Richards photo

TOP : 3
Name : Jennifer Lopez
Profession : Actress and Musician
Body Part(s) : Butt
Amount Insured for : $27 million to $800 million

Jennifer Lopez photo

TOP : 2
Name : David Lee Roth
Profession : Musician (Van Halen)
Body Part(s) : Sperm (in case of future paternity tests resulting from accidental pregnancies)
Amount Insured for : $1 million

David Lee Roth photo

TOP : 1
Name : Mariah Carey
Profession : Musician
Body Part(s) : Legs
Amount Insured for : $1 billion

Mariah Carey photo

That's the top 10 oddly insured body parts. Leave your comments below if you have something to say.

Video Source :

Data Sources :
  • MSN
  • Business Insider
  • Time Magazine
  • CNBC
  • Glamor
  • Daily Mirror - UK
Images Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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