Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Top 10 Surprising Effects of Global Warming

Top+10+Surprising+Effects+of+Global+WarmingGlobal warming is just another sign that Earth is really in danger. Because of global warming we now have extreme weathers. When it is raining it will rain really heavy and you will feel the intense coldness, while when there is no rain the Sun's heat is definitely burning and it is extremely hot. I do not know whether there are good effects of the global warming but one thing is for sure, there are a lot of bad effects that it caused in our present time.

We couldn't blame global warming though, because we people are the one who are responsible for destroying our nature. Here in the Philippines extreme typhoons are now always forming in the Pacific Ocean. The last notable one was Haiyan (international name) or Yolanda (local name). This typhoon almost destroyed an island here in the Philippines and caused billions of damage properties and killed many lives.

Now for this top ten article, we are showcasing some of the 10 surprising effects of global warming. Have some time to read and check out the 10 listed effects below. Here are your top 10 surprising effects of global warming.

Related articles : Top 10 - List of Nature Category

TOP : 10
Effect : Forest fires are now more common in the US.
Cause : This is possible due to warmer temperature and earlier snow melt.

Forest fire in California, USA

TOP : 9
Effect : Arctic plants are experiencing a boom in growth.
Cause : This is due to ice melting earlier in the spring.

Arctic plants

TOP : 8
Effect : Animals are being forced to change their natural habitats.
Cause : Global warming is provoking some creatures, like squirrels, to live at higher altitudes.

Painted animals migration

TOP : 7
Effect : Plants bloom earlier and produce more pollen due to warmer temperatures. Thus allergy season starts earlier and lasts longer.

Plants blooming

TOP : 6
Effect : 125 lakes in the Arctic have disappeared.
Cause : Melting permafrost is thought to be the reason behind it.

Arctic lake

TOP : 5
Effect : Carbon dioxide has a cooling effect in the atmosphere's outermost layer. Satellite now move quicker because of reduced drag.

Carbon dioxide concentration on Earth's atmosphere

TOP : 4
Effect : Rising seas and extreme weather could damage historical sites. The 600 years old site at Sukhothai has already been affected.

Rising sea level

TOP : 3
Effect : Thawing of frozen soll can cause the ground to shift and shrink. This could cause sinkholes and damage buildings.

Tilt and shift town

TOP : 2
Effect : Mountain ranges are getting higher.
Cause : This is due to glaciers melting and reducing the amount of weight upon them.

Mountain range in Italy

TOP : 1
Effect : Long-dormant diseases could re-emerge. Smallpox could thus make a comeback when ancient corpses thaw out.

Ancient corpse

Data Sources :
  • Live Science
Photo Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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