Friday, July 4, 2014

Top 10 Shocking Hoaxes in History

Top+10+Shocking+Hoaxes+in+HistoryWhat is a hoax? Any idea? Its not just a joke but it is more than that. We cannot deny the fact that there are some people who will do anything just to be popular, noticed and earn money. It doesn't matter whether they will succeed or not as long as they tried though, and most of the popular hoaxes ever happened and known world wide are made by these people.

Can you imagine a woman claiming she gave birth to more than a dozen rabbits? Wow! And believe it or not, some people are being fooled by these hoaxes. Another hoax also included for this list is a machine created that converts water into wine and soil into food, well, that's an obvious big, big joke!

Now for this top ten article, it is all about the 10 shocking and funny hoaxes ever happened in history. Have some time to read and checkout the 10 listed hoaxes below.

TOP : 10
Hoax : The Turk
Year : 1770
Source : The Discovery Channel
About : Chess playing automation heralded as the future of technology. Just a guy disguised in a robot suit.

The Turk

TOP : 9
Hoax : Thomas Edison's Food Machine
Year : 1878
Source : The Huffington Post
About : Machine which turned water into wine, and soil into food. Didn't exist - made up by the Daily Graphic.

Thomas Edison's Food Machine

TOP : 8
Hoax : The Cardiff Giant
Year : 1869
Source : The Telegraph
Abut : 10-foot tall "petrified man" uncovered in Cardiff, New York. Nothing but curved gypsum, stained with acid.

The Cardiff Giant

TOP : 7
Hoax : Zero Gravity Day
Year : 1976
Source : The Telegraph
About : Astrologer Patrick Moore said unusual planetary alignments would lessen Earth's gravity. Hundreds claimed to have experienced weightlessness.

Astrologer Patrick Moore

TOP : 6
Hoax : The Fiji Mermaid
Year : 1842
Source : The Discovery Channel
About : Beautiful topless siren advertised in P.T Barnum's museum. Actually a fish sewn to the mummified corpse of an ape.

The Fiji Mermaid

TOP : 5
Hoax : The Hitler Diaries
Year : 1983
Source : The Telegraph
About : The Times serialized Hitler's diaries without authenticating them. They were forgeries using modern language and aged with tea.

The Hitler Diaries

TOP : 4
Hoax : The Cottingley Fairies
Year : 1917
Source : The Telegraph
About : Photos seemingly proving the existence of fairies. The hoax even fooled Sherlock Holmes writer, Arthur Conan Doyle.

The Cottingley Fairies

TOP : 3
Hoax : The Roswell Autopsy
Year : 1990's
Source : The Discovery Channel
About : Footage of alien autopsy filmed after the Roswell incident. Revealed to be fake in 2006.

The Roswell Autopsy

TOP : 2
Hoax : Rabbit Birth
Year : 1726
Source : The Discovery Channel
About : Mary Toft convinced doctors she'd given birth to 16 rabbits. She hadn't and was imprisoned for fraud.

Rabbit Birth - Mary Toft

TOP : 1
Hoax : The Piltdown Man
Year : 1912
Source : The Telegraph
About : Bone fragments thought to be the "missing link". Found to be a half-orangutan, half-human forgery in 1953.

The Piltdown Man

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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