Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Top 10 Concealed Inventions

Top+10+Concealed+InventionsRecent articles that I have written about the top ten inventions are the Top 10 Surprising Pet Inventions and the Top 10 Movie Innovations You Have to Know. Now for this top ten article its all about inventions which are abandoned, destroyed, classified, dismissed and discontinued. Some of the reasons why some inventions are concealed is that they can be a threat to the profit of big worldwide businesses, some inventions are also fake, some can be harmful and others are just not safe to be seen and used by the public. We already knew that inventions can either benefit nor harm us humans, it depends upon what is the use of the invention and what is the purpose of the one who invented it. Have some time to checkout and read the 10 suppressed and concealed inventions in the history below.

TOP : 10
Invention : EV1
About : First mass-produced electric car supposedly discontinued due to oil company pressure. General Motors destroyed most models and deactivated the rest.

General Motors EV1

TOP : 9
Invention : XA Project
About : Safe cigarettes that had most carcinogens removed. Big tobacco didn't like the implication their product was unsafe and XA was abandoned.

XA Project

TOP : 8
Invention : Cold Fusion
About : Stable form of nuclear energy produced at room temperatures. Dismissed as junk science, funding for further tests is now hard to obtain.

Cold Fusion

TOP : 7
Invention : Chronovisor
About : Visor allegedly allows the user to see back and forth in time. Deemed fake by most, ir disappeared and some believe it's now in the Vatican.


TOP : 6
Invention : The Rife Beam
About : Possible cancer-curing ray developed by inventor Royal Rife. He claimed the American Medical Association deliberately discredited his device.

The Rife Beam

TOP : 5
Invention : Water Fuel Cell
About : Stan Meyer's water-fueled buggy was declared fraudulent. Suspicions surrounding his death have led some to claim his technology was suppressed.

Water Fuel Cell

TOP : 4
Invention : Cloudbuster
About : Dr. Wilhelm Reich's rainmaking device was successfully tested in 1953. A controversial figure, he was arrested and all his works destroyed.


TOP : 3
Invention : Implosion Generators
About : Free energy source based on implosion and water vortices. Inventor Viktor Schauberger's creation was buried by his US business partners.

Implosion Generators

TOP : 2
Invention : Wardenclyffe Tower
About : Funding for Nikola Tesla's experiments in wireless electricity were withdrawn. Investors feared it woiuld lead to free energy and no profits.

Wardenclyffe Tower

TOP : 1
Invention : Anti-gravity Device
About : Thomas Townsend Brown developed discs that used electrogravitic propulsion. The effects were so impressive they were classified.

Anti-gravity Device

Data Sources :
  • TruTV
  • PBS
  • CBS
  • Breakthrough Power by J. Manning & J. Garbon
  • Subquantum Kinetics by P. LaViolette
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlE_Tgt8LiA
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
Photos Sources :
  • www.insideevs.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.smithsonianmag.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.w5jgv.com
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • www.georgezarkadakis.com
  • www.nzdl.org
  • www.fanpop.com
  • www.bibliotecapleyades.net

    Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

    Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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