Thursday, July 3, 2014

Top 10 Insane Scientific Theories in the History

Top+10+Insane+Scientific+Theories+in+the+HistoryTruly, human knowledge is beyond imaginable, and most of the time, they can imagine and conceptualize things because of critical thinking and curiosity. And because of critical thinking and curiosity they can conceptualize theories and laws in the field of Science. But other scientific theories are just insane and people who created these theories really are genius, are they? When someone knows a lot his mindset is that he also knows everything, that if he wrote a book or said a thing (with scientific basis) everybody will believe him. If you believe in the Bible then you also believe in God. And if you are believing in God, a simplified life will be born for you, no antimatter galaxies, no extraterrestrial seeds, no Big Bang and more. Some times we need to accept our limitations and humble ourselves down and accept that we didn't know a lot compared to our Creator. Many leading and popular atheists already accepted that there is really a God who designed and created things perfectly. Now for this top ten article, it is all about the 10 insanely constructed scientific theories in the history of our world. Have some time to read and see the 10 listed theories below.

TOP : 10
Theory : The Doughnut Shaped Universe
About : The universe could be smaller in some directions than others. This could mean a doughnut shaped universe.
Source : New York Times and New Scientist

The Doughnut Shaped Universe

TOP : 9
Theory : Antimatter Galaxies
About : If the Big Bang created equal amounts of matter and antimatter, then entire antimatter galaxies could potentially exist.
Source : USA Today and The Guardian

Matter and Antimatter galaxy

TOP : 8
Theory : Panspermia Theory
About : All life on Earth evolved from an extra-terrestrial seed. Possible from microbes found in comets.
Source : BBC and Westfield State University

Panspermia Theory (extraterrestrial seeds)

TOP : 7
Theory : The Ekpyrotic Model
About : The trigger for the Big Bang was caused when our universe collided with another universe hidden in a higher dimension.
Source : BBC, Discover Magazine and Princeton University

The Ekpyrotic scenario

TOP : 6
Theory : Many Worlds Theory
About : For every possible outcome of every possible contingency a new universe is born.
Source : The Guardian and New York Times

Many Worlds Theory

TOP : 5
Theory : The Simulation Hypothesis
About : Our existence and our minds are a computer simulation controlled by future generations of humans.
Source : New Scientist and New York Time

The Simulation Hypothesis

TOP : 4
Theory : The Zoo Hypothesis
About : To keep civilization from harm extraterrestrials choose not to reveal themselves to us.
Source : Intelligent Life in the Universe by Peter Ulmschneider

The Zoo Hypothesis

TOP : 3
Theory : The Quantum Zeno Effect and the End of the Universe
About : The mere observation of dark energy helps to keep it unstable. This could cause a quantum energy shift leading to Armageddon.
Source : Daily Mail - UK

Quantum Zeno Effect

TOP : 2
Theory : Black holes are Gateways to Other Universes
About : Black holes act as a tunnel between universes. Matter entering them doesn't collapse but exist at the other end.
Source : National Geographic and New Scientist

Black holes are Gateways to Other Universes

TOP : 1
Theory : The Holographic Principle
About : Our reality is nothing more than a holographic projection created by the universe itself.
Source : Wired Magazine, Science Daily and Discover Magazine


Data Sources :
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  • copyright, samuel velasco
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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