Thursday, July 3, 2014

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Time on Earth

Top+10+Amazing+Facts+About+Time+on+EarthTime, generally speaking is the past, present and future. Without time, we will not be able to know what day is it today, how old are we, when will be the Christmas Day, when will be our own birthday and other important days that only time can dictate. Because of Universal Time, travelers can adjust their schedules when moving from one place to another. According to scientists gravity affects time. And some thought that even Time Travel is possible. Well, did you know that a year on Neptune is 60,190 days or 164.79 years on Earth, meaning, if you are living in Neptune, you are already dead before a year is completed. In other point of view, if you are an inhabitant of planet Neptune you are only 1 year old and the inhabitant from Earth is already 164.79 years old (which is not possible in the present life span on Earth). Now for this top ten article its all about the 10 amazing facts about time on Earth. Have some time to read and checkout the 10 listed facts below.

TOP : 10
Fact : Days get 1.4 milliseconds longer every century as the Earth's rotation slows. At the time of the dinosaurs, a day lasted 23 hours.

Earth's rotation

TOP : 9
Fact : We all live in the past. The time lag between things happening and us experiencing them is around 80 milliseconds.

We all live in the past.

TOP : 8
Fact : Stalin abolished the weekend in 1930 to increase productivity. The Soviet Union then changed its week to 6 days and eventually back to 7 in 1940.

Joseph Stalin

TOP : 7
Fact : The shortest moment of time that can exist is Planck time.


It is approximately 5.39 x 10-44 seconds long.

The Planck Time

TOP : 6
Fact : If the Earth's existence were compressed into just 24 hours, humans would arrive at about 1 minute to midnight.

1 minute to midnight

TOP : 5
Fact : Up until the 1800's most villages had their own time zones. Clocks were synchronized to the local solar noon, making train travel somewhat complicated.

Time Zones

TOP : 4
Fact : The world's most accurate clock (atomic clock) measures vibrations with a single atom of mercury. In 1,000,000,000 years, it will not lose a single second.

New atomic clock

TOP : 3
Fact : All animals have the same lifespan at roughly 1.5 billion heartbeats. An elephant lives longer than a mouse because its heart beats slower.

Elephant and vultures

TOP : 2
Fact : Einstein found that gravity slows down time. Subsequently hot air balloon passengers age few nano seconds more per flight.

Gravity probe confirms Einstein theories space time

TOP : 1
Fact : Some scientific theories suggest the expansion of the cosmos is an illusion caused by the slowing of time. According to this, time may eventually stop.

Expansion of the Cosmos

Data Sources :
  • Daily Mirror - UK
  • Royal Observatory Greenwich
  • Discover Magazine
  • Popular Science Magazine
Photo Sources :
  • copyright, getty images
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