Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Top 10 Signs of Alien Life?

Aliens are those creatures who are not inhabitants of Earth. They came from the outer space or in other parts of the universe. It is still debated until now, whether aliens are for real or just science fiction. Some believed that they are real and they encountered and saw them while others just laugh including me only by just hearing the word alien. Why I am laughing? Because the Bible said that we are the only humans created by God and no other human-like or whatsoever creatures are created outside Earth. I do believe in the Bible because I believe in God. Now for this top ten article it is all about the top 10 signs of alien life? (with a question mark). Have some time to read and checkout the 10 listed signs below.

TOP : 10
Year : 2004
About : In 2004 scientists examined areas of the sky, which had preciously emitted mysterious radio signals. Only one had gotten stronger, and could perhaps be intelligent life trying to contact others.

Emitted mysterious radio signals

TOP : 9
Year : 2001
About : In 2001, further calculations of the 1960s "Drake theory" suggested that there are hundreds of thousands of planets in our galaxy that have the conditions to support life.

Other planets

TOP : 8
Year : 2001
About : 2001 studies suggested that the red tinge of Jupiter's moon Europa could be a result of frozen bacteria, also explaining the infrared signal it emits.

Red tinge of Europa 

TOP : 7
Year : 2003
About : In 2003, Sulphur traces on Jupiter's moon Europa suggested alien life, and a volcanically warmed ocean below the moon's surface which was supporting it.

Europa - potential habitat for extraterrestrial life

TOP : 6
Year : 2002
About : Studies into Venus' odd atmosphere suggested that life could exist in its clouds. The presence of Carbonyl Sulphide, which is not known in any inorganic process, was especially strange.

Venus' atmosphere

TOP : 5
Year : 2002
About : In 2002, Russian scientists found a microbe that could survive an astonishing amount of radiation. Building this resilience would take billions of years on Earth, so may have originated from Mars.

Organism that might have originated from Mars

TOP : 4
Year : 1996
About : In 1996, a meteorite of Martian rock in Antarctica showed fossilized signs of nanobacteria.

Martian rock's Fossilized nanobacteria

TOP : 3
Year : 1977
About : In 1977, Ohio State University picked up a pulse so surprising it was dubbed the "Wow" signal. Coming from 220 million light years away, it is possible it was a powerful alien transmitter.

The Wow signal

TOP : 2
Year : 2004
About : In 2004, three groups detected Methane in the Martian atmosphere. On Earth, living organisms produce nearly all methane.

Methane in Mars' atmosphere

TOP : 1
Year : 1976
About : In 1976 the Viking Lander's team claimed to find chemical evidence of life in Martian soil. It appeared something was metabolizing nutrients, and releasing radioactive gas.

Viking Lander on Mars

Data Sources :
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN5702WTD58
  • www.en.wikipidea.org
Photos Sources :
  • www.geeky-gadgets.com
  • www.wonderopolis.org
  • www.science.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • www.dailygalaxy.com
  • www.dailygalaxy.com
  • www.bigfooty.com
  • www.lpi.usra.edu
  • www.dispatch.com
  • www.dailygalaxy.com
  • www.spaceart1.ning.com
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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