Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Top 10 Stunning Facts About the Human Brain

Top+10+Stunning+Facts+About+the+Human+BrainBrain is the most important part (organ) of the human body. It controls all the actions, emotions, sensations and many other functions of our body. The most important function of our brain is it gives us the ability to think and learn things in order for us to survive and live. They say that the bigger your brain is, the bigger the chances that you are also a brilliant person. And I also heard and read before that if a person who is in the brink of death, that if his heart has already given up but his brain is still alive, then there is a possibility that the person can still survive and live for another day. Our brain is perfectly designed to control all the systems of our body and there is no way that human race started only with the so called "Big Bang Theory". Surely, there is a perfect designer who designed our brain and He is the creator of all things, all humans - our God. Now for this top ten article it is all about the 10 stunning facts about the human brain. Have some time to read and checkout the top 10 facts listed below.

TOP : 10
Fact : The brain has a joke center. Sometimes patients with damaged frontal lobes are unable to "get" jokes.

People laughing because of jokes

TOP : 9
Fact : You can't hear phone conversations in noisy rooms. The brain can't distinguish background noise from the voice on the phone.

A noisy phone call

TOP : 8
Fact : Yawning actually wakes us up. Yawning gets more air into the lungs, thus increasing oxygen to the brain.

Baby yawning

TOP : 7
Fact : We are hardwired to remember annoying songs. "Sequence recall" learn daily routines also lets songs get stuck in our heads.

Hearing annoying songs

TOP : 6
Fact : The brain uses less power than a refrigerator light. The brain uses 12 watts of power - 17% of the body's energy.

Brain energy model

TOP : 5
Fact : Frequent jet lag can damage memory. Stress hormones released during jet lag damage the temporal lobe and memory.

Jet lag

TOP : 4
Fact : Altitude makes the brain see strange visions. Oxygen deprivation is likely to interfere with visual and emotional processing.

High altitude places

TOP : 3
Fact : Shoot-'em-up computer games aid multitasking. Shooting multiple enemies spreads your attention and means you are constantly reacting to events.

Playing multitask-type computer games are good for the brain development

TOP : 2
Fact : It is impossible to tickle yourself. The brain dulls expected sensations when we cause them ourselves.

A girl being tickle

TOP : 1
Fact : Bright sunlight makes you sneeze. Crossed wires in the brainstem send signals from the eye via the nose.

Man sneezing

Data Sources :
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmcHH4wPpMU
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • The Times - UK
Photos Sources :
  • www.sharewhy.com
  • www.bps-research-digest.blogspot.com
  • www.livescience.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.mathcs.emory.edu
  • www.decolar.com
  • www.dailymail.co.uk
  • www.npr.org
  • www.wikihow.com
  • www.personal.psu.edu
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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