Thursday, July 31, 2014

Top 10 Amazing Facts About the Light

Top+10+Amazing+Facts+About+the+LightFor this top ten article we are showcasing some of the amazing facts about light, its characteristics, and more. Did you ever imagined what will happen into our Sun if a powerful black hole will come nearby and devour its light? That would we catastrophic for our planet Earth and all of the Solar System. We knew that without the light there would be no heat also. We need light and heat in order to be alive.

Now have some time to read and check out the 10 listed facts below. Here are your top 10 amazing facts the light.

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TOP : 10
Fact : The speed of light in a vacuum is almost 300 million meters per second. Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the Earth.
Source : Daily Telegraph - UK, LiveScience, BBC

Light from the Sun

TOP : 9
Fact : When charged particles in solar winds collide with the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field, light is produced - the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) and austalis (Southern Lights).
Source : Daily Telegraph - UK, BBC

The aurora borealis (Northern Lights)

TOP : 8
Fact : Warming a crystal will make it glow. Known as thermoluminescence, it is caused by previously absorbed radiation being re-emitted due to the heat.
Source : Daily Telegraph - UK

Glowing crystal

TOP : 7
Fact : Biolumenescence is the production and emission of light by a living creature. Between 80 to 90% of deep water oceanic life has this ability.
Source : Scientific American

Biolumenescent organism

TOP : 6
Fact : The disease porphyria cutanea tarda causes severe reactions to light. Chronic blistering and even burns can result from exposure to sunlight.
Source : Scientific American

Porphyria cutanea tarda disease

TOP : 5
Fact : The centennial light is the world's longest lasting bulb. Other than during power cuts, it has only been turned off once, for 20 minutes since 1901.
Source : New York Times, MSN

The centennial light bulb

TOP : 4
Fact : Up to 33% of people have the photic sneeze reflex - sneezing when exposed to bright light. Confused signaling from the trigeminal nerve is one theory.
Source : Scientific American, Daily Telegraph - UK

Sneezing cause by the bright light

TOP : 3
Fact : A black hole is so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull, meaning it cannot be observed directly. They can only be detected by observing the behavior of space around them.
Source : NASA, Time

Black hole eating star

TOP : 2
Fact : Blue light has small, short waves. Unlike red or yellow light when it travels through our atmosphere, it is scattered by molecules in the air making the sky blue.
Source : NASA

Blue sky

TOP : 1
Fact : NASA theorize that faster-than-light travel is plausible. By bending space-time in front and behind a vessel, they believe it is possible without contradicting Einsteinian relativity.
Source : NASA

Bending space time travel

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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