Saturday, April 26, 2014

Top 10 Highly Unethical Medical Experiments

Top+10+Highly+Unethical+Medical+ExperimentsExperiments always have two effects, either a good effect or a bad effect. An experiment can always be an advantage and also disadvantage. It is an advantage when the experiment has good effects but it is a disadvantage if the experiment is a failure. For some brutal people who control their scientists, experimentations went beyond normal. Some experiments in the past history of our planet used people as the main subjects or specimens. This is absolutely unethical. It is not prohibited to use people as test subjects as long as they are not exposed to danger but if they are meant to die for these useless experiments then these bad highly profiled people are committing brutal crimes. All they are thinking is power, to gain more and more power over the others. Now for this post we are showcasing some of the most highly unethical medical experiments, and one of these experiments is still currently "ongoing". And you will also notice that most of these experiments are from USA and some are from UK, Japan, Germany and North Korea.

TOP : 10
Experiment : Project MKULTRA
Description :
  • The CIA's program of research in behavioral modification. Illegal mind control research carried out by the CIA. LSD was secretly given to participants leading to mental breakdowns.
Country : United States of America
Lasted (Year) : 1953 to 1973


TOP : 9
Experiment : Stanford Prison Experiment
Description :
  • Subjects are put into a mock jail and divided into "prisoners" and "guards". The project was stopped after six days due to brutal psychological abuse by the "guards".
Country : USA
Lasted (Year) : 1971

Stanford Prison Experiment

TOP : 8
Experiment : The Monster Study
Description :
  • Stuttering experiment in which orphans were belittled for speech imperfections. A lifetime of self-consciousness and reluctance to speak ensued.
Country : USA
Lasted (Year) : 1939

The Monster Study

TOP : 7
Experiment : Project Artichoke
Description :
  • Subjects were forcibly addicted to morphine and the effects of withdrawal were studied. The CIA aimed to produce unquestioning human drones.
Country : USA
Lasted (Year) : 1951 to 1953

Project Artichoke

TOP : 6
Experiment : Porton Down Experiments
Description :
  • The world's longest-running set of chemical weapons experiments on humans. Over 20,0000 people were tested with agents like sarin gas.
Country : United Kingdom
Lasted (Year) : 1945 to 1989

Porton Down Experiments

TOP : 5
Experiment : Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Description :
  • Nearly 400 African American men with syphilis were left untreated for 40 years. Most died, as scientists withheld the cure for the disease.
Country : USA
Lasted (Year) : 1932 to 1972

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

TOP : 4
Experiment : Project 4.1
Description :
  • Residents of the Marshall Islands were exposed to US nuclear tests. US scientists used the opportunity to study the effects of radiation poisoning.
Country : Marshall Islands
Lasted (Year) : 1954 to 1970/80s

Project 4.1

TOP : 3
Experiment : North Korean Medical Experiments
Description :
  • Prisoners are subjected to chemical experiments in suffocation chambers. Student doctors allegedly practice surgery on unanesthetized inmates.
Country : North Korea
Lasted (Year) : Ongoing

North Korean Medical Experiments

TOP : 2
Experiment : Unit 731
Description :
  • Biowarfare unit that experimented on over 10,000 people per year. Tests included vivisections, germ warfare and fatal pressure chamber studies.
Country : Japan
Lasted (Year) : 1930 to 1940

Unit 731

TOP : 1
Experiment : Nazi Medical Experiments
Description :
  • Nazi experiments on prisoners were brutal and widespread. Forced sterilization, amputations and poison gas tests were common.
Country : Germany
Lasted (Year) : 1930 to 1940

Nazi Medical Experiments

This top 10 highly unethical medical experiments article is courtesy of :

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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