Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Top 10 Common History Myths

Top+10+Common+History+MythsKnowing the facts and the fakes are definitely needed when it comes to history of our world. Sometimes it is not good for us to just believe what most of the people believed or what most of the people said. When it comes to history, we will never know when someone just invented it and wrote in a book to earn fame or money. But thanks to the people that will never stop researching, studying and analyzing what is already written in many books about our world history. Doing so, will enable us people of the present world to determine what histories are just myths and what are the real ones. Now for this post we are showcasing some of the top 10 common history myths courtesy of BBC and UK Mail.

TOP : 10
Myth : The "witches" of Salem were burned at the stake.
Reality : Of the 20 executed all of them were hung except one who was crushed to death.

Image source www.todayifoundout.com

TOP : 9
Myth : Captain Cook discovered Australia.
Reality : The Dutchmen Abel Tasman and Dirk Hartog, and an English pirate William Dampier got there first.

Image source www.sydneybarani.com.au

TOP : 8
Myth : Lady Godiva road through the streets of Coventry naked to convince her husband to treat his tenants better.
Reality : This is highly unlikely, seeing as her husband was renowned for his generosity.

Image source en.wikipedia.org

TOP : 7
Myth : Magellan circumnavigated the world.
Reality : He was killed by natives in the Philippines before he actually completed the voyage.

Image source www.cardboard-cutouts.com

TOP : 6
Myth : Vincent Van Gogh cut off his own ear.
Reality : Recent research suggests that following an argument over a prostitute , Paul Gauguin sliced off a bit of Van Gogh's left lobe with a sword.

Image source markarmstrongillustration.com

TOP : 5
Myth : Thomas Alva Edison invented the electric lightbulb.
Reality : It was invented by the Englishman Sir Humphry Davy, but Edison did develop better versions.

Image source located on photo

TOP : 4
Myth : Napoleon was short.
Reality : At 5 feet and 7 inches the Frenchman was fairly tall for the average 19th-century European male.

Image source www.mirror.co.uk

TOP : 3
Myth : Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake".
Reality : These were the words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in a book written years before Antoinette became Queen.

Image source en.wikipedia.org

TOP : 2
Myth : Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head.
Reality : This was probably a story invented by Voltaire, Newton himself never mentioned it.

Image source news.nationalgeographic.com

TOP : 1
Myth : Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
Reality : Nero was 35 miles outside of the city when fire broke out and fiddles weren't invented for other millenium.

Image source news.discovery.com

That's the top 10 common history myths wherein many people believed to be true.

Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhmhDw7e4xE
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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