Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Top 10 Doomsday Predictions that Didn't Come True

Top+10+Doomsday+Predictions+that+Didn't+Come+TrueHere are some of the people and religions that thought they knew when is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and when will Earth be finished. I feel sorry for these people that only knew Earthly things and knowledge because they are only using the Doomsday to make themselves popular and to make people believe that their religion is the right one. It is very clearly stated in the Bible that Heavens and Earth will be so dark and there is a lightning across the world that everyone who is alive will see when Jesus Christ come once again down to Earth. This one is a real phenomenon that will happen only for that particular time. That may will cry and grieve when He come. So, don't just believe what those so called "brilliant-people" say, read the Bible because it will answer all the questions that you have in your life surely and will let you know how to be saved and what to do in order to be saved. Do not problem when is the Doomsday, just focus in how you are going to go to Heaven and how to avoid to go to Hell.  And one more thing it also clearly stated in the Bible that Jesus Christ will come like a thief, so no one will definitely know when will that be. Now here are the Doomsday predictions that are definitely all fakes and frauds.

TOP : 1
Harold Camping
Doomsdate : May 21, 2011 at 6 pm (Revised to October 21, 2011)
Doomsdate News :
  • Predicted the Rapture - only 2% of the population would make it to heaven.
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TOP : 2
Heaven's Gate 
Doomsdate : 1997
Doomsdate News :
  • Elements of this religious group committed suicide - believing a UFO following the Hale-Bopp comet would save them from an impending Doomsday.

TOP : 3
Black Hole in Switzerland
Doomsdate : 2008
Doomsdate News :
  • Some scientists - such as Professor Otto Rossler - predicted the Large Hadron Collider would create a world-ending black hole.
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TOP : 4
Richard Noone
Doomsdate : May 5, 2000
Doomsdate News :
  • Alignment of several celestial bodies would cause massive amounts of melting ice and catastrophe.
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TOP : 5
Hal Lindsey
Doomsdate : Sometime before December 31, 1988
Doomsdate News :
  • A host of world events ranging from communism to nuclear war would lead to the end of days.
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TOP : 6
Charles Taze Russell
Doomsdate : 1914
Doomsdate News :
  • Founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses predicted 1914 as the end of the world.
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TOP : 7
Camille Flammarion and Halley's Comet
Doomsdate : 1910
Doomsdate News :

  • French astronomer believed the comet would destroy Earth's atmosphere.

TOP : 8
John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann
Doomsdate : March 1982
Doomsdate News :
  • Alignment of 7 planets would cause disastrous sunspot activity, earthquakes and reverse the Earth's rotation.
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TOP : 9
Pat Robertson
Doomsdate : 1980s
Doomsdate News : 
  • TV evangelist predicted Jesus would return in 1980s. Non-believers would be hell bound.
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TOP : 10
Vesuvius destroys Pompeii
Doomsdate : 79 AD
Doomsdate News :
  • Romans confused the volcanic eruption with a Doomsday prediction made by philosopher Seneca.
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That is the top 10 doomsday predictions that really didn't come true and are all just bunches of fakes and wannabe prophets and know-all people and religions.

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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