Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Top 10 Most Beautiful Bulgarian Actresses

Top+10+Most+Beautiful+Bulgarian+ActressesBulgaria is officially known as the Republic of Bulgaria. Its capital is Sofia. Some of its famous wonders are the following, thus, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Sofia), Boyana Church, rila Monastary, Saint Sofia Church, Sunny Beach, Kaliara and more.

Bulgaria is also home to the most beautiful, hot and talented actresses in the world. One of the most famous actress today that came from Bulgaria is gorgeous Nina Dobrev. One of her famous TV show is the The Vampire Diaries. Other beautiful actresses included for this top ten list are Dobrina Liubomirova, Radina Kardjilova, Desislava Tenekedjieva, Evgeniya Radilova, Desislava Bakardzhieva, Iliana Lazarova, Michelle Bonev, Stella Angelova, and Dilyana Popova.

Now have some time to read and checkout the 10 listed actresses below. Here is your top 10 most beautiful Bulgarian actresses.

Related articles :

TOP : 10
Actress : Dobrina Liubomirova

Dobrina Liubomirova

TOP : 9
Actress : Radina Kardjilova

Radina Kardjilova

TOP : 8
Actress : Desislava Tenekedjieva

Desislava Tenekedjieva

TOP : 7
Actress : Evgeniya Radilova

Evgeniya Radilova

TOP : 6
Actress : Desislava Bakardzhieva

Desislava Bakardzhieva

TOP : 5
Actress : Iliana Lazarova

Iliana Lazarova

TOP : 4
Actress : Michelle Bonev

Michelle Bonev

TOP : 3
Actress : Stella Angelova

Stella Angelova

TOP : 2
Actress : Dilyana Popova

Dilyana Popova

TOP : 1
Actress : Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev

Data Sources :
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • www.google.com
  • www.imdb.com
Photo Sources :
  • www.cinemagia.ro (10, 9th photos)
  • www.public-republic.net (8th photo)
  • www.looseythemovie.com (7th photo)
  • www.imdb.com (6th photo)
  • www.ilianaart.wordpress.com (5th photo)
  • www.wikimedia.org (4th photo)
  • www.plus.google.com (3rd photo)
  • www.bgwallpapers.net (2nd photo)
  • www.oceanup.com (1st photo)
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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